COVID-19 Resources
San Francisco Department of Public Health. Find local Coronavirus updates and resources.
Text Alerts: text COVID19SF to 888-777 to sign up for official San Francisco text alerts about the virus.
US Center for Disease Control Info in English, Español, and 中文
World Health Organization Coronavirus Information in English, Español, 中文,
Harvard Health Coronavirus Resource Center and Up To Coronavirus Page
Cleaning and Disinfecting Your Home (CDC)
Coping with Stress During the Covid-19 Outbreak (World Health Organization)
San Francisco Faith Community Notifications. Find out how your faith community is responding to the Coronavirus.
This resource list was compiled by Community Living Campaign.

Access to resources is a major concern as isolation often leads to the loss of services. If you or someone you know is in need of basic assistance, here are some local resources.

Isolation Can Be Detrimental
Research and media on isolation and loneliness are of great value in a field where people often go unseen.

We believe in equipping our volunteers with the knowledge and tools needed to be the best friends possible to our elders. From providing relevant information for each elder to trainings on dementia and fall prevention, we do our best to ensure our volunteers will be well equipped when it comes to interacting with older adults.

Part of being a community-based organization is maintaining partnerships with other agencies and organizations to ensure the best services are being offered to all of our elders, building community amongst service providers. Here are some of the partnerships LBFE is involved in:
Optimized Aging Collaborative
Dementia Safety Net
San Francisco Partnership for Community-Based Care and Support
Coalition of Agencies Serving the Elderly
Tenderloin Safe Passage