Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly is a volunteer based organization

We are always in need of more volunteers
That means we can only offer as much as volunteers are willing to give
For every volunteer that offers a visit, that's one more elder who is not alone

Behind the Scenes
We are always in need of additional assistance with indirect service. Help out in the LBFE office -- grant writing, event planning, organizing, outreach, making phone calls, etc. If you have expertise or free time, we'd love for you to share it with us!

Visiting Volunteer
Our most impactful program is the one that creates the strongest bonds. Be a Visiting Volunteer and visit an elder friend twice a month for a year-long commitment, building a relationship and being a personal advocate to an isolated elder.

Occasional Visits
We have a large-scale program once a month, whether it be an in-home visit to an isolated elder or a social function available to more mobile elders. These programs require no regular commitment -- bring the community to an isolated elder!